
An DeautherX with Evil Twin attack.



Finding the correct port

If you don't know which serial port to select, open the Flasher tool and then plug in your board. Whatever port pops up in the list is what you're looking for.

You should check the cable and USB port if no new port pops up. Some USB cables are only for charging and cannot transmit data.

Or maybe you're missing the drivers for your device:

CH340/CH341 Drivers:

CP210x Drivers:

FTDI Drivers:

Alternative Tools

my web tool is not the only software you can use to flash your ESP8266:

  • esptool
  • ESP flash download tools
  • esptool-gui

  • Arduino IDE

    1. Extract the DeautherX zip you downloaded
    2. Go into the DeautherX folder and open DeautherX.ino with Arduino IDE
    3. In Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences and add this URL to the Additional Boards Manager URLs:
    4. Now go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, search deauther, and install Deauther ESP8266 Boards
    5. Select your board at Tools > Board and be sure it is at Deauther ESP8266 Boards (and not at ESP8266 Modules)!
    6. Plugin your Deauther and select its COM port at Tools > Port
    7. Optional: To reset/override previous settings select Tools > Erase Flash > All Flash Contents
    8. Press upload